Let’s Wrap: September


Is it just me, or did September go really quick? I can’t quite remember what I did for the entirety of September except read, go to training at Lush, and visit my boyfriend. And that’s it. What else even happened?

However, I am officially halfway through writing my novel which is amaaazing. I’m hoping to have the first draft done by Christmas and it’ll be the first novel I have ever completed, despite writing the beginnings of dozens of novels for years. Fingers crossed!

I’m also at 239 followers overall (WordPress and Bloglovin combined) which I am so happy about so thank you everyone who has followed this little blog of mine, it means a lot!





I’m currently reading Nevernight by Jay Kristoff and I’m about two thirds of the way through. I am really really enjoying it. However, at the moment I’m thinking of a 4.5/5 rating rather than the full 5/5. Why? I hate to say it, but the protagonist of Mia annoys me a little. I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t connect to her as much as I’d like to; she kinda gets on my nerves and I prefer some of the side characters to her. Anyone else found this or am I in the minority? From what I’ve seen, I’m thinking it’s just me with this problem.

I still have the likes of these YA Fantasy bad boys to read which you can see above, so I’m excited to get my teeth into them.

However, I’m considering taking part in a Halloween Read-a-thon towards the end of October so I may be bypassing the Fantasy and reading some Horror instead. I’ve read a lot of Fantasy recently so a change would be good I think, as well as maybe some Historical fiction I’ve had sitting in my TBR for a while.


How was your September? Have you read any of the books above? Let me know in the comments below!


15 thoughts on “Let’s Wrap: September

  1. Six of Crows is absolutely amazing. I hope you love it a lot!! Also, since Crooked Kingdom came out just a few days ago, this is basically the perfect time for you to read it because you can join in on the hype, and you don’t even have to wait after the first book 😊😅


    • Thank you! I’m so excited to start it, I’ve heard so many good things about it and it seems Crooked Kingdom is going down well with a lot of people at the moment too! Thankfully, I’ve managed to avoid any spoilers haha but yes I can hopefully jump on the bandwagon soon and get involved. All the hype at the moment makes me even more excited! 🙂

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    • Yeah it was my first Richelle Mead book and I had high hopes, but it was pretty bad which was a real disappointment. I’ve heard some people say it’s nothing like her normal work and it’s like she didn’t even write it!


      • Yeah everyone has been recommending Vampire Academy to me haha! I’m not really into vampire fiction anymore but I’ve heard such good things I might have to give it a go!


      • I’m not either, even though I just recommended it. It’s actually not even my favorite Richelle Mead honestly. BUT, reading Vampire Academy will set you up to read the spin-off Bloodlines and I loved that series. If you read adult, her best is actually Georgina Kincaid.


      • Haha that’s good to hear actually! I’ll add the series to my wish list and hopefully get round to it at some point. And thanks for the recommendations! It’d be interesting to read her Adult work and see the differences.

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  2. OHHH seems like you’ve been productive this month! Writing a novel must be exciting I wantttt 😛 I’m planning to read Nevernight soon and OMG you’re gonna have a great reading month soon! Six of Crows and A Darker Shade of Magic are my current FAVORITE FANTASY! ❤ I love An Ember in the Ashes too and I hope you enjoy all of them so we could rave together 😛


    • Haha yeah I’ve been productive which is new for me! Writing a novel is hard work and constant doubts but definitely a lot of fun. Oooh I’m glad you enjoyed all of those, I’m excited to read them, would be great to chat to you about them! 🙂 Also hope you enjoy Nevernight!

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